Sculpting help needed please


New member
You could use thinly-rolled putty and then trim leaf shapes from it, but you might be better off trying this with thin paper or foil, cut out with a fine pair of scissors.



New member
for what? reedy type things, use brush hairs. for ferns, cut a leaf shape out of a twisty tag (you know, those thin pieces of wire covered in paper/plastic that you use to seal food bags with). thick leaves can be made with bits of cut up plastic sheeting


New member
take some plastified paper (buy a women\'s magazine with lots of advertizement and take out the thiker pages), then cut them in short stripes (10 cm/4-5 cm), rolle them around a stick, glue the base and then cut the other side and open them as a flower-then just cover them with vinilc glue and water a cupple of times (to make it harder) and paint them.

Ideal to make a lot of jungle terrain with parctically no money investment (besides the Cosmopolitan you teared appart:))
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