Ran into a few interesting articles on feathers:
That should give you some reference.
About making feathers, well, if if\'s not for production you can cut a bit of thin plastic or paper in the right shape and make the rachis (yup, just learned a new word
) with putty. if you want to do the whole in putty, take some plastic and lubricate it. Take some putty and press it flat. Cut out the feather shape, sculpt the rachis and any irregularities, bend it to shape and let cure. Then remove it from the plastic and make the rachis on the other side.
As to the unrealistic look, that\'s just like with chainmail and fur effect, it\'s exagerated for effect. Probably more important in the time that drybrush was in common use for painting. I think army painters will like it for that too.
Anyway, quick question: do you people prefer smooth feathers or with texture? In sculpts that is (and no, I\'m not going to redo my harpy. She stays textured.
Angel may become smooth though. ).