Scipunk's Road to Becoming a Better Painter....


New member
As the title says...I would like to improve on my painting techniques and hopefully from now till next year, would like to place in the Golden Demon.

This thread will be here to keep me motivated and inspired and to simply put me through my limits.

Permission is already granted to all who would like to critique and bash at my models that I show do not hesitate in saying anything...all feedback will be greatly appreciated.

So lets begin....

I have started on something different from my usual line, Ashan'tyr from Rackham.

I already started working on her face and chest and decided to try something different with the color scheme. I am coming close to getting the effect I am looking for.

Let me know what you guys think......Thanks



New member
Wolfen rule. Your primer coat looks really grainy though. That's a definite problem.
It looks like you primed black, and they shot from above with white?


New member
Hi there, on my screen it is hard to make out the diffrence in the shading and higlights. I do like the colour of the skin. I am currently working on two wolfen and one of them have a simular skin colour, just a little bit more towards white.

Looking forward to see your progress on this one.


New member
Wolfen rule. Your primer coat looks really grainy though. That's a definite problem.
It looks like you primed black, and they shot from above with white?

It is actually not as grainy as you might was primed black yes.....and then tried the whole lighting effect (I know the word....just can't spell ;P) with white is still tricky though....especially when trying to apply my base coat on the mini, since I am not used to such effects before.


New member
Started to work on it again, this time with a little bit of shadowing and highlights done. Used purple and red mixed with the base coat....a bit tricky to get the results I am looking for, but getting there.

Hope you like it thus far....



New member
Its looking quite might already be doing it but I would shade down the chest a tiny bit because it looks a little to unbalanced in relation to how shaded the face is...overall, very impressed.


New member
Further work has been done to the skin. Really trying to create a nice balance with the highlights and shadows, but finding it a bit difficult to achieve.

Hope you like it thus far.

C&C are always welcomed.


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New member
So after being absent from doing any painting for what seems like forever.....I have returned with an attempt to see if my skills have dwindled down and hoping to continue with the road of becoming a better painter.

At the moment going a little bit on a larger scale....War of Zodiac -Tauro (1/20 Bust).....had this guy for the last two years and decided to dust him off and get some paint on him.....(sorry for the pics....will provide with better ones shortly)

As usual C&C are always welcomed







New member
Back again with some more work done. Becoming more pleased with how this is turning out. Having trouble in deciding on what to do with the eyes -_- Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

As always C&C are always welcomed.




Almost Perftec! Aw, crap.
Hmm, if you really push the contrast - force it a lot - it will make him seem very dramatic. The eyes, I wonder if you could do a milky kind of of look like he's almost blind. That would be creepy and stand out from his skin quite a bit.
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