Rum and Bones Expansions


New member
So I plan on picking up the original Rum and Bones in the next week or so. I know there are some expansions that I see on Amazon - but I am confused.

1. I see wildly varying priced for "Rum & Bones Mazus Dreadful Curse Board Game" and "Rum & Bones La Brise Sanguine Board Game".
Multiple listings for regular price and a few for 100+. Did these expansions go Out of Print or is Amazon being dumb?

2. I see both an expansion "Board Game" and "Hero Sets".
It looks like the expansion "board games" actually have more Heros? (On top of the tide cards, etc).

CMON Michael Shinall

1. They are $49.99 MSRP. They are not out of print.

2. There is the Expansion Box and a Hero Set (of three Heroes) for each of them (just like the Core Crews).
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