Rules question: Marta and Rapid Assault


New member
Combat phase, I activated a grid with Parman and two Riflemen. Riflemen perform Rapid Assault move together 3 grids and attack.
Start of Movement Phase, I play! on the grid with the 2 Riflemen above.

Considering that

A - "RAPID ASSAULT (X) - When a unit with this ability activates during the Combat Phase, it may perform a move of X movement points before attacking. If it uses this ability it may not move in the Movement Phase."

B - "THIS IS MARTA:....Chose one grid. All infantry units in that grid may move 1 additional grid this turn - START OF MOVEMENT PHASE"

C - "The First Rule :Many abilities alter how a unit moves, attacks or even deploys! When an ability conflicts with the basic rules, always go by what the ability says!"

does the 2 Rifleman can move 1 grid? Or does the word "additional" implies that I can use movements bonus only if I can move in the Movement Phase, and so the 2 riflemen can't move? What if "additional" wasn't there?

Then, to mix things up, replace the 2 riflemen with a 65 Pounder and THIS IS MARTA with SPECIAL BLEND (1 unit may move 1 extra grid this turn - movement phase), and tell me if it's the same situation (extra=additional).

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New member
You can't move the riflemen again as they can't move in the move phase after a Rapid Assault; as they can't move, a movement card can't be used on them.
Martha can't be used on the 65 Pounder as its not Infantry. I guess Double Time could be played with another movement card unless its stated somewhere in the rules that 2 cards can't be played on a unit.


New member
Martha can't be used on the 65 Pounder as its not Infantry.

I Know, I said to replace Infantry with Pounder AND Marta with Special Blend.

You know, I tyhink I have made some confusion. I thought (dunno why) the First Rules applies also with Cards. Now it's clear.

Thank you
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