Rule Questions


New member
1) Can Windblast move a model diaganol?

2)Do you pick up exploration tokens if windblast moves you over one?

3)What happens if you kill a hero while they are resting?

4)Can you defend while resting?

5)In the final scenario of the main campaign, can you use a ranged attack from outside the locked door once you have achieved accumulating the six coins, or must you be in the throne room to use range attacks?

6)Does using a portal count as two moves if you are moving onto it from another space. For example you need to move one space to move into the portal space and another to use the portal.

7)Do enemies that have ranged attacks (heroes included) that are attacked using a ranged attack, get a payback attack with their ranged weapon? For example Greensleeves attacks a goblin archer from three spaces away. Does the goblin archer get a payback attack?

8) In the Rookery the topmost right corner and bottommost left corner have Hammer Beastmen in them in a room without doors or open spaces. Is this a misprint? How do you enter the room since it has no doors or open spaces?

Thanks in advance for answering these questions we came up with after our first campaign.



New member
My game doesn't arrive until tomorrow, but I think I'd be able to answer a few of these questions anyway, so I'll give it a shot...

3 and 4 - I don't think this is ever actually possible. At the start of your turn if you choose to rest your guild, you take no other actions - instead you resolve the effects of resting, and then it's the next player's turn (and resting is already over). So there shouldn't be any fighting going on in the brief moment of resting.

6 - Can't use a portal until you're in the space where it is located, so moving into that space is one move, using the portal is another move.

7 - Yes - but heroes not included...heroes do not get payback reactions

8 - Don't have the book to check, but as I recall from the playthrough videos, this room is accessed through the portals.

Loophole Master

Super Moderator
1 - Wind Blast can't move you diagonally.

2 - Only active heroes may pick up tokens from the board.

5 - The Temple door can never be opened, so you can't draw line of sight through it.


New member
Thanks guys!!! That pretty much nails our questions. It still doesn't explain the weirdness with the Rookery map though.
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