Reverse Engineering a Mini, or How\'d They Do That?


New member

Check out the \"ice\" effect on the sword and shoulder pads...

I\'ve got it mostly figured out, but the \"crackleture\" on the sword (over the reflection) is freakin\' awesome, and I can\'t figure it out. Is it just really thin white lines, or is it the blending, or what?



New member
There\'s an easy solution to this one...

That\'s one of Saxonangel\'s mini\'s so you could just PM her or perhaps she will respond on this thread. She is usually around and willing to help:D


New member
There are two places you can go to depending on what portion of the mini you are looking at.
For the look of crystal in the sword I would suggest Chrispys article on Painting Precious Stones:
Pay close attention to page two.

Additionally, Angela has her own website:

Her Tips and tricks link for NMM (Non-Metal Metallics) note the specific colors and technique for the chrome look of the armor.


Super Moderator
yet another resource...

Good resources, but perhaps if I sit and wait long enough, Chrispy himself will appear with his version.

Is he here yet?

How bout now?

any minute now....


New member
Yeah, that article is where I first saw the mini. He walks you through pretty nice, right up until what I want to know, which is specifically about the crackelature. Not the SENMM crystal, because he\'s got that covered. The final stage, I guess you could say, is what I\'m interested in.

Like he admits in the article, she has done it a lot more effectively than he did.
A tale of two swords...

Well, it is complicated, and mostly happened by accident.

This model was a commission. The customer envisioned this elf in chrome armor with a \"blinking\" etheral sort of sword. He didn\'t suggest that I paint the sword that way (we thought it would be impossible to pull off), but either as normal steel NMM, or chrome.

So it got chromed. Then when I posted the almost completed model on the yahoo mini painter group, the chrome just got roasted over the coals! Nobody liked the chrome sword, not even the customer!
Only little old ignorant me.:rolleyes:

Of course, now that I look at it 6 months later, I know why. ;)

So in desperation I hunted for ideas on CMON. Then I stumbled across Chrispy\'s CMON Grom, which I had commented earlier, that I\'d use his idea.

So, I extended the blue part of the chrome to be in line with the lower part of the leg. Then I dotted in some random shadows to represent the thorns wrapped around her calf. The sunbursts on the sword were also eliminated with paint...

The washed out look was achieved by wavy super-thin streaks of white. The white was mixed with too much drying-time extender, on purpose. The paint doesn\'t mix in well with too much extender (more than 20% extender is needed) Then when it gets painted on, it is streaky and tends to have very subtle faded edges as it slowly dries.

So for brushstrokes, I just did little horizontal wiggles with my brush across the surface of the sword.
The color was so thin that it had to be done in three layers, with the final layer accounting for touchups on the sword edges and such.

So I guess it\'s just superthin white glazes wiggled over the underpainted surface.

I don\'t know how else to explain it, because it really wasn\'t started with that idea in mind.

So she went from this:

to this:


which is as close-up a shot as I could do at the time.

I hope this gibberish explaination helps a little.



New member
Originally posted by supervike
Good resources, but perhaps if I sit and wait long enough, Chrispy himself will appear with his version.

:Forum Senses.... tingling!:

Oh, well.. too late. :p
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