Renegade IG??


New member
Hiya, my friend is thinking about doing a renegade IG army, we thought they were part of Chaos as they are under the Chaos section in the Forgeworld catalogue, but they aren\'t in the army list.

Are these models just for Apocolypse? Should he just use normal IG rules and use the renegade models?


New member
as i understand it, forgeworld models (and there rules) are designed for use in \"normal\" 40k, with the apocalypse version being rewritten to do A LOT more casualties.

that said, i\'m not sure if you can use any of the forgeworld rules in a tournament, but i don\'t think a casual opponent would have much against them.

if all else fails, just use the FW models, with the rules in Codex:IG. using fluff and and models to represent a regiment that has deserted to chaos... no one can object to that.... :beer:

evil tendencies

Cake or Death?
There is a \"Heretics and Renegades\" armylist in the Siege of Vraks books. Each book changes the list slightly, to represent the change of their forces in the ongoing story of the Siege.

Most tournaments won\'t allow you to use the FW lists, because they are usually written from an interest in story, not necessarily game balance. FW models, on the other hand, are frequently used in \'normal\' tournament armies because they look sweet. Just play them with normal codex rules, as suggested above, and you\'ll have no problems.
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