Well, just the Sgt so far.
I haven\'t posted anything here in awhile so I thought I would throw this out there for you fine folks to tear apart for me. This is the first time that I have done such extensive weathering on an infantry figure, so comments on that would be particularly appreciated.
Ok, now to the Sgt. He still needs his power weapon and camo cloak, and after those are added he needs varnished. Everything else is done on him.
I decided on a marking scheme for these guys. Left shoulder will have Chapter symbol. Right shoulder will display squad number and the type of squad that the member used to belong to (Veteran, Tactical, Assault, Devastator). Left knee will display any specialty markings.
In the case of the Sgt. here, he has the Crux (Veteran) and an \"I\" on his Right shoulder for the 1st scout squad, and a skull on his left knee to indicate that he is a member of the Chaplain corpse. I know this is unorthodox, but I like it.
On a somewhat related note, I did the decals on paper that I got from Micro Mark awhile back. It is kinda thick and I was having a helluva time getting the decals to set on the curved surface (and to keep them from sticking up from the surface of the model so much.) I picked up some Micro Sol and Micro Set while I was at the hobby shop the other day. Dear gods that is some amazing stuff! Once you get the hang of using it, you can get the decals to conform to just about any surface. Highly recommended!
Just thought I would share that.
I haven\'t posted anything here in awhile so I thought I would throw this out there for you fine folks to tear apart for me. This is the first time that I have done such extensive weathering on an infantry figure, so comments on that would be particularly appreciated.
Ok, now to the Sgt. He still needs his power weapon and camo cloak, and after those are added he needs varnished. Everything else is done on him.
I decided on a marking scheme for these guys. Left shoulder will have Chapter symbol. Right shoulder will display squad number and the type of squad that the member used to belong to (Veteran, Tactical, Assault, Devastator). Left knee will display any specialty markings.
In the case of the Sgt. here, he has the Crux (Veteran) and an \"I\" on his Right shoulder for the 1st scout squad, and a skull on his left knee to indicate that he is a member of the Chaplain corpse. I know this is unorthodox, but I like it.
On a somewhat related note, I did the decals on paper that I got from Micro Mark awhile back. It is kinda thick and I was having a helluva time getting the decals to set on the curved surface (and to keep them from sticking up from the surface of the model so much.) I picked up some Micro Sol and Micro Set while I was at the hobby shop the other day. Dear gods that is some amazing stuff! Once you get the hang of using it, you can get the decals to conform to just about any surface. Highly recommended!
Just thought I would share that.