Regarding Goblins...

squig hunter

New member
I have two PP gobbos and for a challenge i was thinking of buying a warjack to go with them, what kind I am a total n00b when it comes to warmacine or hordes.


P.S I have Reinholt gobber speculator and gobbo assasin guy.

*Edit* I also have an orc guy with a spikey club and a javelin on his back.


New member
You seem to have a mix of Iron Kingdoms RP and Warmachine minis, but Reinholdt will only work for Cygnar, Khador or a mercenary contract.

If you are looking to keep the color palette muted, try a mercenary Vanguard. If you want bright blue, use a Cygnar light. With Khador you are limited to heavy jacks, so unless you want the jack to be the biggest thing by far I\'d avoid Khador.

I have no idea what the orc guy you are referring to is.

So what\'s this challenge about?

squig hunter

New member
It\'s the mechanical mayhem contest on WoM. I thought I can explore PP with the mini\'s I have and add to them slowly.

So any paricular jack you guy\'s would recomend? Merc\'s do sound cool...
... I guess it depends on what they have instore...

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