Reaper Warlord book due out this month


New member
The Warlord rule book is due out the end of this month. A special edition was released at Origins that was supposed to be the final edition. Due to errors found by people reading the OLE, publication was haulted and the book went back for another edit.

Thanks to the changes made from the OLE (Origins Limited Edition), there should be a lot less errata with this book than in a lot of first printings.

I\'ve been playing and running demos out of one of the OLE\'s. This game is fast, fun, and easy to get into. You can learn the basic rules in about 10 minutes and play a skirmish with up to five players in under two hours.

The basic unit is a Leadership model and 6 to 8 grunts, for a total of about 500 points before spells or other add-ons.

Attack works much like it does in D20 Dungeons and Dragons, but with a simplified mechanic.

In D&D, you roll a d20, add your mods, and compare that to the taraget\'s Armor Class. If you meet or exceed the AC, you roll for damage.

In Warlord, you roll a d10 and add mods. Compare that to the target\'s Defense Value (DV). If you meet or exceed the DV, you do one point of damage.

There are three types of attack: melee, ranged, and magical. All of them work off of variations of the mechanic given above. Magical attacks go against the target\'s magical defense.

While there are different affects and abilities that change the mods, the basic mechanic of all attaks is the same as listed above. That is what makes this game so easy to learn and play.


New member
I wish I could have, Kevin, but Reaper didn\'t have a booth. :( Even so, the books were not out then.

The official release date has been set as Oct. 1st. Reaper is encouraging its field reps to run demos for the game, so if you happen to have one in your area, keep a lookout for demo games to be going on that weekend or shortly after.


New member
I\'ve been looking at Warlord on and off for a little while now. How does it play?

I know that it\'s a D10 system but what\'s it like?
Is there a BatRep anywhere for me to look at?

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