Reaper Vanja, Fire Giant Queen


New member
Has anyone seen the Vanja, Fire Giant Queen mini from Reaper?

If so, what is your interpretation of the cloak? Is it scale mail? Is is perhaps lizard/dragon scales? Feathers?

I am trying to determine exactly what the cloak is so I can come up with a color scheme. I, personally, think it is some type of scale mail. Any thoughts?


Super Moderator
Hiya HerrBishop...

are you talking about the newest one, the Werner Klocke sculpt?

If so, I think dragon scales make sense...thats what they look like to me.


New member
That\'s exactly the one I\'m talking about. Dragon scales. I couldn\'t decide between the mail and scales. Going with the scales will mean a totally different color scheme than what I was thinking. Which also means it will be more colorful than what I was going with. Thanks for the input supervike.
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