I believe that most are honest. This is a system where people get scores so if one doesnt like their scores they may turn to cheating just to get the trophy of higher scores. Back in the day I purchased a bunch of minis from anyone from france. I own 6 by allen C and his,paint jobs are better than his pix. I also own a couple by Cyril and they are wonderful. In 2001 I was fascinated by the techniques that they usd to make their minis look so different from artists in the US. So yes their are painteres that really live up to their painting.
What I am talking about is people wanting better scores. Back in the day I never scored better thant 8.2 and below. So say some kid paints somethng and gets a five, he doesnt want his,friend to see it so he smoothes out the paint job and changes colors. Whats to say what is too much tweeking.
I brought this up because I saw a mini painted by what obviously looks like an airbrush and that is,the same look one could get by tweeking the mini. I looks like they changed the background and changed lighting. So what is too much.
Personally I have never been abil to take a pix of a mini that didn't make the paint job look like shit. I really should learn how to do that.