Quest for the Holy Brush!


New member
Okay, Cheesy title aside.... I have been away awhile... What are the best brushes now days(Still those W&N series... uh... whatevers?)? Where the heck can I find them(Wasn\'t it something like Jerry\'s Artstravaganza?)???? Since all of my local game shops and craft stores have very little in the way of anything I would consider a quality PB selection, I think I\'m going to have to go online....
Sure I could probably do a search and answer most of my questions... But theres nothing like having a fresh insight into the issue! ;)

I\'m very suprised I have gone so long without a nice set of brushes.... but....
I have had my fill of all that other garbage and need to upgrade(Great time too, since my family and friends are bugging for a \"Christmas List\" )! :D

Thanks in advance for the help Guys/Gals and Happy Holidays! :innocent:

No Such Agency

New member
Well, my two W&N series 7 have held up quite well, certainly they fare much better than the myriad of cheap synthetic brushes from my \"second string\" that have hooked and splayed in the meantime... Both W&N\'s still have a deadly point.


New member
I have found the vallejo kolinsky sable brushes to be excellent. Got another set on ebay recently for £13, absolute bargain even included a size 5 0, very fine point.


New member
Have you checked proper art stores? Gaming stores and hobby stores rarely have expensive high-quality brushes, at least not where I live.


New member
I\'m very thrilled with my W&N Series 7\'s They\'re one of the best things that could have happened to my painting. The art stores that I\'ve seen them in (not in South Africa though) have never had them on display. You might have to explicitly ask for them. If you have to go mail-order, then try >>Dick Blick - W&N<<

If you get a top-notch sable brush, forget about a 3/0, get a 2/0 instead. And a 1 instead of a 0. You really, really don\'t need smaller. Some people even use a 0 as their smallest brush, but that\'s up to personal confidence, I suppose. W&N also have a miniature line of Series 7\'s, for use by mini painters, that have shorter bristles. Some like them, but most reckon they don\'t hold enough paint.


New member
W&N Series 7 all the way for me! Used them for about 5 years now and I\'ve had no reason to look for another. They may seem expensive, although when you consider how much longer they last plus the quality they are well worth the money.

The Vallejo brushes I\'ve heard are quite good also, although I\'ve never used them myself I\'ve heard people say they are good.

There is also another make that are supposed to be better than the W&N but I cant remember the name for the life of me argh! If I find it I\'ll come back and post hehe.

Failing that there\'s always games workshops new master set LOL lol


Super Moderator
Definitly Windsor & Newton Series 7\'s for normal painting. I ended up using GW brushes for drybrushing and bases.

But If you want to keep their life invest in brush cleaning soap. Good Art product stores have it.


New member
I finally managed to find some series 7\'s after much searching and they are indeed very good. (understatement)
However, if you find a good brush that works for you that\'s all that matters.

One of my best and favoured brushes is a GW fine detail brush that I\'ve had many years and is still a good and faithful servant.

Originally posted by Dragonsreach
Definitly Windsor & Newton Series 7\'s for normal painting. I ended up using GW brushes for drybrushing and bases.

But If you want to keep their life invest in brush cleaning soap. Good Art product stores have it.

Mike, I\'ve tried to find this fabled stuff but had no joy whatsoever. Seeing as though I\'m anal about my series 7\'s,
have you any suggestions as to where I can get hold of some?


Super Moderator
@ Logan:

Is where I got mine from but they are not detailing the soap in their online shop.
There should be a few places local to you or could \'Google\' it.

Ok that\'s the first place I got on a \'Google\' and the container looks exactly the same as mine. I got mine 2-3 years ago and have barely touched the surface. I expect that it\'ll have quite a long life, even if I do use it after every session.


Here\'s another link:
Brush cleaner


New member
Originally posted by Logan

One of my best and favoured brushes is a GW fine detail brush that I\'ve had many years and is still a good and faithful servant.

See! I\'m not crazy, someone else loves the GW detail brush!!! It\'s really all I use :)


New member
So i dont know much about brushes but i am not satisfied with the ones i have.For to buy an entire set is way too expensive(at least for me), which ones (sizes) do I need? It is important that the brushes are by W&N or is ok every kind of series 7 miniature painting Kolinsky sable brush?


New member
Bigger brushes hold more paint and are less likely to get paint runs into the ferrule. As I said above, try a size 1 and a 00. The tip of the 00 is just as fine as a 000, and just as easy to control.

And no, Series 7 is W&N specific, it\'s the label they use for their best kolinsky sables. The Da Vinci kolinsky brushes have the \'Maestro\' label, I think.

Originally posted by Dragonsreach
But If you want to keep their life invest in brush cleaning soap.
Instead of brush soap, I\'ve been using Pantene shampoo and conditioner. Is there any reason to use brush soap instead?


Super Moderator
Originally posted by Modderrhu
Instead of brush soap, I\'ve been using Pantene shampoo and conditioner. Is there any reason to use brush soap instead?
Yep Perfume!
My wife\'s allergic to a lot of perfumes, so the hair shampoo we use is NBG for brushes.


Series 7

Hey BoBzz,

Check this site out if you\'re going to go the Series 7 Miniature line route. I think their prices are really good and freight isn\'t overly expensive.


New member
Eric ... GW Fine Detail? Are you telling me you paint your miniatures with GW Fine Detail? *faints*

*takes deep breath*
As for me, I use Robert Simmons White Sable Round Synthetic brushes; they\'re the best. I had about 40 of them delivered from States, since they no longer sell them here in Moscow.


Brushlicker and Freak!
I\'m using Francheville red sable simply because they are easy to get hold of where I am. I also have a couple of kolinskys but can\'t really tell the difference. I use GW and synthetics for drybrushing and bases. Have a brown Humbrol I\'ve had for years that I use for bases.


New member
Originally posted by Modderrhu
W&N also have a miniature line of Series 7\'s, for use by mini painters, that have shorter bristles. Some like them, but most reckon they don\'t hold enough paint.

So The ones you use are the kolinsky series 7 for watercolor, not the specific ones for minis?
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