problem concerning Confrontation rules


New member
Hey guys,

I have a small question concerning \'les guerriers de l\'aube de Dirz\'. They have the ability to smite their adversaries when they inflict a critical wound.

But what happens if this critical wound is dealt to a warrior with the abilty \'dur à cuire\'.

e.g. A \'guerrier de l\'aube\' hits on the head of a \'garde royale d\'Alahan\' and gets a result of 6(= critical wound), does this mean that the garde is slain, or does the \'dur à cuire\' ability still count, lowering the wound to a serious injury and consequently not killing the garde d\'Alahan.

Please share your thoughts, because I\'m at a loss right now. Thanks anyway,



New member
Well, Killed Outright is not an injury, so it cannot be lowered. However, I\'m not sure what those abilities are in French, if it\'s Tough, then it CAN change killed to Severe. If it\'s Hard to Kill, then I\'m not sure.. Simple answer is: Get some of the new English cards and Ruleboks! :p


New member
Kevin I\'ve found this in the official FAQ:

Q: How do the épée-hache work?
A: During the injury test, any result that says \"blessure critique\" on the injury table becomes a Tuéé-net. Spells and abilities are without effect. Exceptionel wounds cannot be modified, so a double 5 is not a straight kill.

Q:Does the epée-hache effect come before the ability Hard-to-kill (or dur a quire)?
A: Yes

This solves everything :)


New member
Thanks Tuub! This sure does solve my problem. It wasn\'t the answer I was hoping for, but at least now I have some certainty about the efficiency these Dirz warriors bring to light. cya,

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