Well then. There are a few good options, I think. In my view the recently released P3 dvd by Privateer Press is not suited to your experience: the current dvd is more aimed at the true beginner.
Then there\'s a dvd by Hot Lead, but sadly I haven\'t been able to order it yet, because they seem to have all sold out. <http://hot-lead.org/dvd/index.html> So I can\'t tell you much about it. But looking at the skill and painting techniques of the author it could be a dvd aiming at decent techniques for competition level miniatures.
In my view there are two major contenders left: Miniature Mentor tutorials, and Kraken editions DVD by Jérémie Bonamant Teboul.
The first can be found at <www.miniaturementor.com>. They\'ve released seven tutorials so far. Most are quite detailed, where they follow a painter (top level painters!) painting a specific miniature, and explaining some specific techniques. The images are really good. The voice-over by the producer is less informing. There\'s lots to learn here though, just by listening to the painter and watching them use different techniques. The price of these tutorials is a bit steep though in my opinion, although you can get a subscription which makes it cheaper.
Then last but not least there\'s this <http://www.kraken-editions.com/en/artefactory/dvd/index.html> dvd. The value of this one is very good. There are a lot of different advanced techniques, a lot of images and video material, and the price is good as well. There\'s only one drawback in my opinion, and that\'s the production and language. The tutorials are originally in French, there are subtitles though, as well as voice-overs. While the English voice-over is good, the French original is better. Besides that there are a few flaws in the menu, some dvd chapters are in the wrong order or can only be reached via a detour, the music in the menu is quite loud compared to the actual tutorials, the first dvd is marked 2, the second 1. But yes, this does mean it\'s two discs.
All in all, if you\'re not someone bothered by less-then-perfect production value, I\'d recommend the JBT/kraken editions DVD. Good luck!