Ok so I started out wanting to make a complete set of Vallejo Model colors and I quickly realized that would be way too many colors to work with. So I am thinning out the set and I thought I was understaning the number scheme as far as which colors\\shades go together.
There seems to be for the most case a 900 series number and a 800 series number every other color if you use the 1-220 rack numbers. For the most part the 900s seem to go together and 800s go together, but manyu times that isn\'t the case.
Does anyone know how the number scheme truly works or could point me to a website with an explination? I couldnt find much on a Google search.
There seems to be for the most case a 900 series number and a 800 series number every other color if you use the 1-220 rack numbers. For the most part the 900s seem to go together and 800s go together, but manyu times that isn\'t the case.
Does anyone know how the number scheme truly works or could point me to a website with an explination? I couldnt find much on a Google search.