Please check out my \"High\" Elves.


New member
I\'ve heard rumors of a 2- or 3- color rule. I say Fa to that! Looking at my color wheel, unable to pick a color, I went with all 6!
Now I have finally come up with an original uniform for a high elf army!
Please check it out at

Thanks to all of those who helped me out on how to do tie-dye and varying the armor plates etc. I hope you all enjoy, and maybe this Summer I\'ll actually get the rest of the 2000 point army finished and photographed.


New member
Nice Job!

:flip: How nice to see something other than lockstep, by the \" \'eavy Metal Bible\" High Elves. Major Koodoes for creativity!
I left a comment and also voted! Very original idea there! We can always count on you for something out of the usual! I\'m looking forward to the rest of the army.
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