Played our first game.


New member
So, after months of other weekend obligations my son and I played for the first time? He took a small Hadross list and I played Teknes. He had 2 reavers, 6 deepmen, 6 servidian, a kaxe and a friar. I took 6 union workers with a union boss, 6 lineman with a controller and Boris (I may have the exact numbers off).

We chose motivations and gotvdown to playing. I have to say that the game has me. Resonate was an issue, but I found myself working to keep as few of my models engaged while I tried to prevent him from finding his treasures. While targeting his leaders. I lost in the end, mostly due to the fact that the first two treasure counters he cover turned were the correct ones. He was 1 awày from losing.

We went again. This time I was trying to contact models of his that were marked and he was trying to burn down structures. He one again, mostly due to my mispositioning Boris and losing the ability to chase down his guys.

I have to say that this game is pretty balanced, although I have only played twice, so grain of salt there. Even when resonated I was able to take down his models as long as I combined and assisted. Union Workers are beefy, unless my son plays against them. He always rolled a 10.

I look forward to playing this game again.
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