Pheonix Area Painters


New member
Hi everyone,

Is there any regular groups that get together to paint in the Pheonix, AZ area?

It would be good to have the support to finish mini\'s and learn new techniques.



I know I end up painting alone a lot and sometimes Matt Sterbenz and I will get together but as far as groups go I cant tell you. Matt and I paint at a game store in Tempe if you are interested. Just PM me and we could get together this weekend actually.


New member
Yep Anthony and I paint together occasionally. There\'s a lot of people in Phoenix who paint miniatures, just not very many registered on this site (yet).

I run free painting classes for a couple hours each Saturday at Game Depot, from about 4pm to 6pm. That\'s on the northwest corner of Southern Ave and McClintock in Tempe. If you\'re not sure where that its, it\'s a couple miles east of where the I-10 and US-60 highways meet.

There\'s also a new game store in Mesa, located just south of the US-60 on Greenfield, called Empire Games. All their staff used to work for GW and are extremely knowledgeable of the hobby. If you live in the east valley I\'d definitely recommend checking that place out. It\'s the cleanest, best looking game store I have ever seen.

Feel free to PM me if you ever want to set something up.



New member
Game Depot

I actually buy most of my stuff there.

I dont think I will be able to make it down there today but I am going to try and make it down there on Sunday afternoon.


New member
Unfortunately I take Sundays off from painting and work, so I cannot make it there. I can be found there every Saturday though from about 4-6 pm. If it\'s sometime during the week I can possibly arrange something, it\'s just that I have a busy school schedule with evening classes.



New member
I got a call from a very good friend of mine today (who I have not heard from in a while) right before I was about to leave for Game Depot, and she wanted to grab lunch. So I was not able to make it to Game Depot today. I hope I didn\'t keep you waiting, if so I am very sorry. I\'ll be there next Saturday for sure.



New member
No Worries

Hey Matt,

No worries, like I said Saturdays are pretty tough for me to make it down there so I had not planned on going unless I finished all my homework and housework...that didn\'t happen.

I talked to Antnol and will be heading down tomorrow to paint or prep, not sure if I have anything ready to paint or not.

Ive also been thinking about making stops during the week to wait out traffic. I work in the Biltmore area at 24th and Highland and live in Queen Creek so anything that doesnt get riled up and angry at random drivers is good.



New member
Ok that\'s good :)

Hope the painting goes great tomorrow. During the week is spotty for me as I have classes. Tuesday/Thursday my last class ends at 3:30 but sometimes I need to go to a lab afterward. Fridays will also work. Let me know if you decide to wait out traffic on some days and I can make it down to paint occasionally.

I know what you mean about traffic. I live in south Chandler and it is always a pain driving back during rush hour. I can\'t imagine how bad it must be driving all the way to and from Queen Creek every day! I\'m just glad I don\'t work downtown. :)

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