painting/terrain tips??


New member
hello, i\'m kinda new to the whole mini painting hobby, but have loved and admired it for years. Was hoping to find some good painting tips or terrain building tips...if anyone has some favorites they would like to share, it would be much helpful and quickly put to good use!!!

:( pleeaase heelp

:bouncy:thanks all!!:bouncy:

Sand Rat

New member
Depends on what you are trying to do - but if you can find copies of Shepard Paine\'s books on military diorama\'s there are some good tips there.

Also, model railroading magazines, books and clubs can give some good stuff, and,
heres a couple of sites with some good terrain stuff -



New member
well, i am interested in creating good quality tabletop terrain that hits a standard found on the auctions here such as the foam constructs, but also it looks as though some people have a thinner base for their terrain...thinking it is a pegboard of some sort...?

Sand Rat

New member
Varies - I\'ve seen everything from cardboard, cd\'s (good use for the free AOL cd\'s), foam core board, masonite, and insulation foam used to base terrain.

I prefer masonite myself - does not tend to warp and is fairly sturdy - although it is also fairly heavy.


New member
Sometimes I base stuff on MDF, (medium density fiberboard, also called Masonite). It\'s about 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch thick. You might need to cut it with an electric saw, however if you want to cut an irregular shap, however. It\'s very durable, however and makes a great basing material. Polystyrene insulation sheets are available at hardware and DIY stores in sheets as little as 1/4 inch. It\'s easy to cut with a hobby knife or hot wire cutter. It is not as durable but it is easy to work with and very light weight.

The Hirst Arts Tips and Tricks page deals mostly with the things made from the molds he sells, but much of the tips will translate easily to things you can make on your own.

Games Workshop put together a fairly descent book on making terrain a few years ago. I bought a copy on eBay about a year ago. I thought it was pretty helpful.


New member
thanks so much for all the tips folks!!! I look foward to finishin my hirst blocks plan and experimentin with my greenage! ; )


New member
I would go with MDF for builing terrain on. It comes in a variety of thicknesses and the thinner ones would be ideal. It\'s sturdy, doesn\'t warp and is easy to work with. Just make sure you don\'t breath in dust from it when sawing or sanding it, because it\'s not good for your health.


New member
Originally posted by Ritual
I would go with MDF for builing terrain on. It comes in a variety of thicknesses and the thinner ones would be ideal. It\'s sturdy, doesn\'t warp and is easy to work with. Just make sure you don\'t breath in dust from it when sawing or sanding it, because it\'s not good for your health.

the glue is supposed to be carcinogenic. :eek: :(

thats never good.

if you have any specific questions, feel free to contact me


New member
yea i\'ve been flippin thru those pages for weeks now, i feel my painting is getting better, its just hard to capture the color blending so well, jumping two or three different colors...much props chaps!!
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