Painting Sites


New member
Hey people!

Could you please post links to the best painting sites that you visit (except cmon of course!). I\'m mostly looking for painting guides and tips sites for knowledge increasing reasons and inspiration. I had a lot of sites in my favorites list a lot of years ago, but a number of windows crashes later...

Google seems to find a lot of GW links, and not a lot of anything else, so please link your top sites!! Thanks!


Super Moderator
Could rattle off a hundred sites for tips includign my own feeble ones, but I believe the place you are posting is probably the Grail of which you seek.



New member
Here is undoubtably the best for sheer number of articles on everything from NNM to sheer clothing.

Then theres Painting Clinic which is quite good, if a little difficult to work out which button goes to which type of article.
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