Painting clean wraithbone


New member
I\'m painting a ton of eldar in an ulthwe scheme and love the look of the clean bleached bone wraithbone with the darker browns in the crevasses just on the helmets and shruiken catapults. I\'m starting with a basecoat of beastial brown then adding bleached bone into the mix of beastial brown in increasing amounts and trying to put on thin coats.

I\'ll try to get some pics up to show where I\'m at but for now, it\'s not coming out as clean as I would like.

Two questions then, for rank and file troops doing large numbers at a time, how would you go about getting the look I\'m going for while getting the most out of your time?

Second, for special characters, what method would/do you use to slow it down and get it just right?

Thanks in advance!


Stealth Freak
I think I ran into a similar issue this weekend, but with painting yellow over dark gray. Luckily, checked the forums and thus stopped bashing my head at five base-coat layers. Looks much better now.

Anyway, I imagine that the problem is that the white isn\'t covering the brown as nearly as well as you\'d like? Little bits keep showing through, etc. The suggesting from the \"painting yellow\" search was to use a different color to paint first, then to the desired color. So, in this case, a 50-50 mix of brown and white might work. Or, just go straight to a tan (which is what I\'ve done on the yellow). Then paint over that lighter secondary base-coat with the white.

However, I see that as a waste for rank and file members. For that, I want to say to paint everything bleached bone to start with, then hit them with a brown wash followed by a light highlight with bleached bone again. Should do the trick.
Orginal gepostet von freakinacage
for rank and file, i would undercoat white then use a yellowy brown wash, concentrating on the crevasses
QFT :D Seriously, layering from some darkish browntone to Bleached Bone/White, on small things like eldar helmets and guns, rank and file, and having it look clean, all in short time? Hardly gonna happen. So yeah, what Freak said. Also, I\'d prime the guns and heads white, separate from the rest of the buggers. Painting black on white-primered minis is a PITA.


New member
OR you could prime in grey, as i do and then just smack a couple of layers of menoth white highlight from p3 on the bone bits
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