Painting bases?


New member
Most of the pics for Z have the bases painted black, grey, or color-coordinated with the zombie type. I'd like to paint the bases to best fit the board, so I'm wondering how others have painted the bases in more detail. My copy of Zombicide will be arriving this Saturday.

EDIT: Ugh. Typo in title. PM me if you know how to fix this! ):

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New member
Hi, I'm one of those painting black bases, I'm doing this because after the brushwork the black base looked nice to me and specially, they look nice on the boardgame, perhaps I get some renedra bases or similar for survivors. Perhaps you may change your opinion after the first one painted. Happy painting : )


New member

He doesn't actually describe how the bases were made, but it looks like fine sand + PVA glue + dark and grey washes, highlights, etc.

I just read and am testing out thick craft paint + baking soda, after an undercoat. I guess I'm looking for a rough but not too rough surface so poor Wendy doesn't trip... :D


New member
lol Sounds good! Keep us posted because I'm new to the whole texture idea and Ive been looking for more of that finer look as well!


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I won't be getting my game for awhile as I'm currently in the Season 2 Kickstarter campaign. However, I'm currently stocking up on new paints and I found that Games Workshop has a grey texture paint called Astrogranite. I was looking at a few model bases painted with it and it looks very convincing as concrete. It is only slightly textured so it's perfect for these models and with some wash, it darkens it up and brings out the subtle textures.


New member
I'm speed-painting (ie. being cheap and lazy) with these zombies, and baking soda's working fine. It's easier to see the texture on the gray craft paint, which, for some reason, coated better for me than the black did. The effect, though was subtle (ie. barely noticable) but the bases no longer look like soft plastic!

Thanks for the Astrogranite tip! I'm a slow speed painter :p so I'm sure I'll stop by a F*GS and find a pot!


New member
I just splurged a bit of various of the new GW texture paints on the base, and slapped a unifying wash on 'em. I don't enjoy basing.The rationale for it (beyond getting it done and out the way) was that with the variety of dirty colours on there they'd likely have a bit that fit whereever on the gameboards they'd be standing.


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I have been using a watered down pva glue and then a fine crafting sand. After it is dry I put a coat of concrete grey paint, I find after it is dull coated to look almost like asphalt.


New member
I did a bunch for my friend that introduced me to the game, but only painted his bases gray with darker gray around the outside edge. I have not finished my own set yet, but was planning on painting white crosswalk stripes on the walkers and a yellow lane line on the runners while leaving the fatties and a-bombs with only splatter. I feel these will help to distinguish them when big mobs form up. Wish I had thought of this for my buddies sets. Oh and Survivors just have their plastic color painted around the outside edge with no splatter clike the Zombies all have, or will have after I have finished.


New member
I've seen several different approaches: 1. Plain, asphalt-gray base; 2. Asphalt-gray with road markings; 3. Color coded to the original miniatures plastic color; 4. Textured.
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