Paint orientation and transportation.


New member
Any problems with storing or carrying paint pots and droppers that end up sideways or upside down? Assuming lids get closed all the way of course.

I\'m just looking at ways to transport paints and supplies and wondeing if how I pack them in could impact their longevity or make them more prone to leak.

Any suggestions for portable cases that are easy to pack up and travel with your paints?


Shogun of Saskatchewan
While I like to pack my paints upright when I transport them personally I don\'t think it\'s a big deal.

If you mean that you\'re packing them to deliver somewhere the it really doesn\'t matter. No delivery service on Earth really cares about markings like \"This side up\", \"Fragile\", or \"Do not bend\". Those labels are taken as personal challenges by all working at the post office.

When I\'ve bought paints one thing I\'ve appreciated is when the lids are secured on with a little transparent tape. Seems to help things out.

Good luck!


New member
In a tool box. If you don\'t want them to rattle around, throw some foam or an old towel in there. Works well.


Shogun of Saskatchewan
I actually have to keep all my paint in a portable tupperware thingy. It\'s got a flip top and works well all for about 5 bucks CDN. Holds about 60 paints.


figure cases work well, pack them with the lids toward the handle, that they\'ll be upright when you are carrying it


New member
I use Plano Stowaway cases of varying sizes for paint transport. They work quite well. I do make sure that tops are sealed well.

Biggest issue is when I am going from a lower elevation to a much higher one. If I\'m not careful, I can get a minor minor paint eruption.


Super Moderator
Originally posted by Scherdy
Any problems with storing or carrying paint pots and droppers that end up sideways or upside down? Assuming lids get closed all the way of course.
It\'s as good a way to agitate paints as any

Any suggestions for portable cases that are easy to pack up and travel with your paints?
Try looking at \"traditional painters\" carry bags/packs


New member
Originally posted by Scherdy
Any problems with storing or carrying paint pots and droppers that end up sideways or upside down? Assuming lids get closed all the way of course.
With the kind of paints you\'re talking about long-term settling with the pot/bottle sitting on its base is actually a problem. So as Mike points out the agitation might actually be a good thing!
Originally posted by Scherdy
Any suggestions for portable cases that are easy to pack up and travel with your paints?
Plastic food-storage containers with a sealable lid. Buy two smaller ones or one large one as appropriate to your paint collection.

If you need to stop the paints bumping around, small chunks of foam or a sheet of bubble-wrap should work well; I use both when transporting sculpting bits and bobs in a small box to work \"off-site\".


green stuff

New member
My paints have travelled to the UK and the US chucked in a plastic bag that I stored in my luggage : no problem.

On the other hand, Sven (Avelorn) has a white shirt that\'ll tell a different and now much more colorful story ... ;).
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