Paint flakes off base...


New member
Anyone know this one: You\'ve a mini already based and primed and now you\'re painting it and you squeeze the base a little too tight and in one place a flake of paint comes off.
Now you\'ve a stupid irregularity on one side of the base which also catches the light so that you can\'t miss it while looking at the mini. :|~

Should I scrape off the primer completely and repaint the side as a whole or does anyone know a better method? ???

Have a nice day and merry X-mas,


Super Moderator
more primer?

couldn\'t you just add a few layers of very thin primer over the spot, and then paint the whole base?


New member
Paint the mini seperate from the base!

But for this case I\'d just scrape off the res of the primer if you really want an even surface.
Let me Guess Confrontation Bases

you know I have this problem all the time with confrontation figures. I hate their crappy bases. I ususly just lease the sides black plastic. I sometimes have problem with stuff sticking to the tops.
Confrontation bases just realy are crap.


New member
Ah, thank you!
Yes, I\'m talking about a Confrontation base, too. The basing technique I used required having glued the model to the base before priming - but I\'ve a modification for it in mind so that this won\'t be necessary anymore in the future.

I\'ll try to build up the groove with a few layers of primer at first... and if this doesn\'t work: my hobby knife\'s well used to scraping. ;)

Have a nice day,


I suggest you paint a few layers of slightly watered-down PVA glue on the side of the base that has the groove. Eventually it\'ll even out. PVA glue is the ultimae surface-smoother. ;)
I use lids from cheap craft oaints and dryed uo GW paint bottles (why do I have so many) and glue them to the base. Hold the lid or bottle and don\'t touch the mini. When it comes to taking the mini off I use the x-acto blade that is shaped like this:

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and use it as a lever to just chip it off. Make sure you have some foam or paper towel under the model to catch it so it doesn\'t chip.
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