Opinions sought - Epic Ad-Mech Forge Knight WIP

Glyn Green

New member
Hi all

This is the 3rd model I’ve painted in 4 years or so and the 1st model for an Epic Armageddon Adeptus Mechanicus army I’m working on. It’s a Forge Knight; a non-combat variants of Knight-suits used by the Adeptus Mechanicus as giant mobile construction / repair machines. They are a new unit in the Epic Armageddon Ad-Mech fan-list. Modelwise it consists of a very old epic Knight model, Ad-Mech symbols from a BFG Ad-Mech ship and parts from 4 different Forge World kits.


I had to rush finishing it (staying up all night painting) to get it finished enough to take it’s photo and enter it in an epic painting competition and the base and the black/yellow wiring were rushed and will need re-doing properly again in time. Possibly the blow-torch flame too.

I’d love to get some feedback on the model, colours, base, etc before I soon finish it and start on more of the army. Please comment and let me know what you think!

The base currently is a mix of 2 rust Mig pigments and one brown, just mixed and applied dry due to lack of time. It was my first experience ever using pigments. I may either fix it down and drybrush it, possibly with a darker rather than lighter colour as this seems to be the way it can be on Mars sometimes – see http://www.wallpapergate.com/data/media/336/Mars_Surface_002.jpg
Alternatively I may just scrape it off and start from scratch, perhaps with a with a more traditional painted sand and gravel base. I do generally want to go for an orangey Martian base. Thoughts?

Anyone got any tips for painting the blow-torch flame better? And/or links to models that have done this sort of thing well?

Vote linky: http://coolminiornot.com/238378

Cheers, Glyn


New member
For the torch, invert the colours you have and I'm pretty sure it'll look better. remember that it is the lightest where it is the hottest.

Otherwise I like it! you could slap on a dark wash of some kind to enhance shadows but since it's for epic I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter


New member
I really like the base - it looks dry, dusty and red. Exactly like I picture Mars.

Regarding the blowtorch, it should be brightest just at the very lip of the flamer, and then gradually get darker/bluer towards the tip of the flame. You could then do some OSL around the lip of the flamer to simulate the light of the flame.

edit: Ninjaed :p


Brushlicker and Freak!
I like it, I would do a light dry brush on the very raised bits of the base to make it 'pop' a bit more.
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