Olenna vs. Influences


New member
Vaguely broached but not fully resolved in the S01-2021 FAQs, Olenna Tyrell's ability to negate an enemy NCU's own abilities remains poorly addressed when it comes to NCU Influences.
Simply put, does a previously effected and ongoing Influence remain active if Olenna is played against a NCU with said Influence ability?

Obviously, calling to Michael Shinall to cut the Gordian knot here. ;)

EDIT: adding this for memory, point addressed in the 1.6 FAQs but called invalid by some due to a new version of the game, even though the explanation could just as well be carried over to v21/S01-2021:
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New member
The lattest FAQ (V21 S2) explains the Pulling Weeds Ability :

According to me, the Ability is the Influence, the trigger is "when this unit Claims the zone" and resolution is "attach this card to...". So if Olenna Tyrell activates later, well, it's too late.
Is this right, or does the previous version still apply ?
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