I\'ve not played warhammer since the very old 3rd edition hardback book version. I saw the 4th edition released and then that was it until more recently for me! Now I\'ve not really thrown myself into GW since my rather half hearted return, but wondered what happened to the variety and colour of the warhammer world? I don\'t mean all the fantasy races as such (though we have lost forever races such as Fimir, gnomes and hobgoblins) but what about the human elements? It appears that we have the choice of the Germanic style Empire or the French/Arthurian style Bretonnians. What about the viking style Norse, arabs from Araby or the Nipponese? Just look back through the old bestiary or world sections of 3rd edtion WHFB and check out all the colourful races of the game world. Wouldn\'t it be nice to see that kind of diversty again? I\'m sure GW would make a pretty penny off the back of such ranges. :bouncy: