we love you BoBzz! Thanks for doing that, I was considering it, but for some reason the whole PDF file slows down my computer to a crawl. I\'m so excited about the chaos warriors too, they finally look like the chaos knights and champions!
Nahhh, the ogres won\'t be to overpowered, since they\'ll probably cost a fair amount of points, and I\'m bettin\' missile fire or a well placed war machine-shot will wipe the smiles off their smelly, hairy faces........(and the ogres faces, too)
wow they look cool. when are they gonna be released and how much and when can i afford them and am i ever gonna get round to painting them. *breathe* sorry. about time gw release some decent ogres. those new chaos ones suck. i still use the old one and make new ones using dragon ogre torsos
I don\'t think that they will be overpowered, I mean, you can already field a whole army of \'powerful\' troops with the current chaos lists, and that hasn\'t caused problems, generally everything balances out
well they still going to have to make some affordable troops if they want anyone to start up an army. Maybe they\'ll have baby orge runing arond the battle field