NW ORDER: READY! AIM! FIRE! : Crossbowmen's Order versus Scorpion's Order


New member
Sorry if the question was already resolved elswhere...

On Scorpion Modification card READY! AIM! FIRE! order text is accompagned by:
"When this unit is targeted for a Charge from the front :"
On Builder Crossbowmen card READY! AIM! FIRE! order text is accompagned by:
"When this unit is targeted for a Charge :"

Does the lack of "from the front" mention means that crossbowmen can trigger this order and fire on a charging unit even if the charging unit is charging crossbowmen flank or rear ? I'm asking since this seems to go against the rule on page 17 :
<< To determine whether a unit is in range, place the ruler in contact with the Front Arrow/center of the attacker’s front arc and measure to any part of the target’s tray. If any part of their tray is within the maximum range of that attack, that enemy may be targeted assuming they are also in Line of Sight). >>
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New member
I would think it would still need to fit the requirements for a valid ranged attack.


The difference i can see is that Crossbowmen -can- shift, while the scorpion cannot. So for the scorpion, the "from the front" is sufficient.

A target charging the crossbowmen could be going for their flank while still bein LOS and in range, due to 50%+ being on their flank arc, allowing crossbowmen to shift and perhaps try bringing the target in their front arc (more than 50% is enough) by going left right or backwards.

As i understand it, in the same situation, an enemy charging to the flank of a scorpion crew won't provide the trigger for the order regardless if part of it is in range and LOS.
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New member
The difference i can see is that Crossbowmen -can- shift, while the scorpion cannot. So for the scorpion, the "from the front" is sufficient.

OK thanks, it makes sense. Considernig this, I have another question : a unit declares a charge on crossbowmen, they trigger the order, but after shifting they are not able to fire : is this legal ? It can lead to avoid a charge, if shifting put crossbowmen beyond the LOS or range of the charging unit...


New member
The way the rule is written yes you could do that. It's even worse with Pypar. I don't know if it was intended but it's quite frustrating for my opponents when I'm moving 3" or 6" when they charge my unit.


New member
The way the rule is written yes you could do that. It's even worse with Pypar. I don't know if it was intended but it's quite frustrating for my opponents when I'm moving 3" or 6" when they charge my unit.

Yeah he's a freaking monkey :p

Since it's an order, at least they can only do it once per round.

Btw, do you guys recruit scorpions now that crossbowmen are out?
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New member
Btw, do you guys recruit scorpions now that crossbowmen are out?

Against Lannisters why not. Against Starks as well, if they dont have mouted Brynden Tully. I would no more recruit scorpions against Free Folks since they can now deploy behind lines with Jarl and oneshot scorpion : you almost cannot defend it, especially if FF player uses "swit advance" to manoeuver before charging


New member
This was unofficially confirmed to be an oversight- the wording should specify that it has to be in the front arc too and it'll apparently be getting errata'd.
Discord posts aren't considered to be official errata, though.

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