Nurgle Warrior WIP


New member
This guy is a test mini, and I wanted to get some criticism on him. As a test model, the horns and fur were done quickly and I missed a mold line or two, so ignore how poorly those look. He\'s got no arms as I haven\'t decided what options to give him yet. Please let me know what you think!




Shogun of Saskatchewan
For gaming looks fine for sure. I\'d be tempted to put a wash of purple over the horns to help differentiate them from the cloak. For weapon option I can\'t say enough good htings about the hand weapon and shield. Makes the very survivable in combat with a 3+ save. If they get charged by cav or S4 stuff they still have a decent save left.


New member
yeah, ifs its for gaming it looks good mostly!

for like high lvl painting, you need to blend the plates a bit more, there are some pretty big transitions on the armor plates, as well as the chips (which are perfectly placed) need smaller lines under them to make them more convincing as well as more contrast in the chip so almost to black in the deepest/highest areas :)
hope thats some good crit!
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