Nurgle Project


New member
Hey guys - I\'ve been playing around with some Nurgle stuff and thought I\'d give it a go. For the reason of learning a bit more about sculpting, different colour schemes and trying to experiment with ideas, I\'ve made up a few Nurgle bits and bobs.

I\'m thinking the intention will be to make up a squad of 10 nurgle types and a spawn which I\'m in the process of sculpting just as a study. I don\'t think I will take up an entire army of them. Unless I get completely inspired which I doubt.

So far I\'ve made 2 base troops, using various bits and bobs and doing various different modifications. The beauty of Nurgle-esque creations is you can use Junky ruined models as your basis and then build them up from there. I have a few crappy chaos marines in my boxes of bits, so this is easy ground to begin from. Next the hard part - sculpting the extras and making it work.

Let me know what you think so far of what I have done - I shall introduce you to Mr Deadman and Mr Fish:






And Papa nurgles favourite maggot:



The intention is to give the grotty sucker wings and it will be a slow moving spawn. It\'s not much bigger than a stock spawn - although with wings it probably will be


New member
I\'ve been looking around to find a way to finish the maggot off - I was a bit stuck but now I have something to work with. Hairy blow fly maggots lol:

From under an electron microscope.



Science saves the day!


New member
Well I thought about it and played around with some ideas and I decided on near traditional maggot skin rather than the electron microscope nightmare that has all the spines. Looks too much like a caterpillar anyway. I might, however, make another nurgle-esque mount that is like the blowfly maggot...

Here's some progress of the texturing on Mr Disgusto the spawn of maggoty grossness:




New member
Please tell us you are going to add wings and then get that cast up for the rest of us to play with.

Couldn't agree with you more!

But I would not want to be the one to cast that mouth if it was to be in one piece...

I know someone who it would be the perfect gift for as well. :D
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