Nurgle Daemon Prince


New member
Finally got this guy painted.

It's the most I've sulpted myself for a looong time, he was made using various putties and bitz and the lefovers of the GW DP box from building another DP.

It's the first nurgley ting I've ever sculpted or painted.


Super Moderator
Well, at first glance, I'd say you've got something damn cool there.

But, I'd really like some closer views. It's hard to see whats going on.


New member
Thanks guys, - here's where I would offer to take more pics, but I no longer have him, he's with his owner.

I do however have the option to re-crop the original pics, but I'm not sure how I'd upload anything higher res. I'm using photobucket to host as the CMON limit seems very small.

any ideas how to get better pics uploaded? and what in particular I should focus on close ups of ?



Super Moderator
I'm useless inso far as technical advice on photos is....but if you could manage to just have a pic of the front side of the model, without the other parts of the montage taking up space, that would help a ton.
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