Newbie\'s question


New member
Hey there, I\'ve been into GW models for some years now, and now me and my mates are considering ordering some Rackham models. But then we wonder, what material are they? Tin, plastic or something else xD? And if there\'s others who have experience with both GW and Rackham models, I\'d be pleased to hear your comparison :)

Cheers Beleg


New member
I have minimal experience, but as far as I can tell the metal rackham are the same material as the metal GW.

I think I heard R has started doing plastics, but I haven\'t seen any of them.
All of the Rackham models I\'ve gotten seem to be more fragile than GW\'s pewter\'s. Maybe it\'s just my \"mechanic\'s hands\" but they seem very brittle, and don\'t take much to snap in some of the worst places... like the ankles? the middle of a sword hilt? the middle of a standard? I mean, did I just get a crappy batch?

They got some neat figs, just be careful when you\'re filing down the mould lines.


New member
They\'re made of a softer metal than GW minis. It still contains a bit of lead so be careful about that (wash your hands after handling unpainted minis). The combination of slender sculpts and the soft metal makes it easy to snap things off, but with a bit of care you can avoid this with not too much effort. One advantage with the softer metal is that they\'re fairly easy to clean from mould lines and such.

A bit of good advice concerning assemblage of Rackham minis is to get a pin vice (if you don\'t already have one) and get some really thin drill bits (< 1 mm... I use .6 mm) to pin arms and such. The thin arms will definitely fall off unless you pin them... They might not do so immediately, but it\'s just a question of time.


New member
Yeah also be very careful cleaning there is a lot of detail on te surface of the models and this can easily be lost with the slightest clumsiness when cleaning up mould lines...
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