New WIP - Chaos Terminator lord


New member
Hey guys,

A new one for me, a chaos termi lord :cool:

I undercoated this guy in black because i decided to paint him in red corsair colours (a lot of black). I will paint him with a lot of battle chips on the black parts and mud on cloaks etc.

So far i have only done the face, i have asked someones opinion on this already.. and they suggested the highlighting needed a little work, soo I will smoothen it out some more and post all my updates on here for you guys to pick at :D

Feel free to poke prod, stab, mutilate and critizise :D






New member
nice start. it maybe the close up pic, but you could water down your paints a bit. keep the pics coming.....stu.....


New member
i think its the close-ups, i do water down my paints, but perhaps not enough for such photos as these.

but hey im a big believer in warts-and-all work in progress photos! lol

Roger Bunting

New member
He\'s older than you, unless he got married at a very young age. ;)

A good start on the figure, Wilks. I think I have the same problem with getting lumps i to the paint. I think mine are due to maybe a bit of dust and lint from the cloth I dab my brush on to remove excess water and paint. Also when I end up painting whilst tired, I don\'t keep as close an eye on how dilute the paint is.


New member
@Larre - im 25 bud :) got started with this painting stuff late lol

@Roger - i think it might be my vallejo game colours chalking up as well, could be another factor.

Cheers for the comments, ill keep the pics comin :D


New member
That is a cool head actually - is it plastic or lead?

Very nicely painted too.
Will you be taking photos of each shoulder pad, hand, elbow foot? ;) lol


New member
@DaN - it\'s one of the plastic heads you get with the Chaos Terminator Lord box set ;)

Looking good so far!


New member
I would blend the final highlight of the face in with the rest of it. To do this you can wash the face repeatedly with a mid tone (thin the paint down to about the consistency of ink). A few coats of that and you will see all the highlights and shading knit together.

Now, to give the face more depth, I would glaze it with purple. Again, water the paint down lots, then glaze the entire face with it. When it has dried, start again and so on. You won\'t see a change immediately or even after the first few times, but the more you do it, the more depth the face will get.

It\'s a good start! I can imagine how it will look if you glaze it with purple.

Keep us updated.


New member
@Oden is there any particular shade of purple you use to glaze faces with? (i.e, Hormagaunt, Liche or Warlock?)


New member
I don\'t own any purple paints, I just mix from scab red and a blue. If I were you I would mix my own in this case because I don\'t see the GW paints working very well. Although liche might work. If you dont fancy making your own, go with liche.

Remember, the paints need to be really watery and expect to be there for a while!


New member

Slow progress on this guy, i decided on metallics - another first for me painting gold with metal paints :/ (sucks being new!)

Feedback much appreciated, i think its looking like gold (hey its a start!) And im pretty happy with it. Obviously only the area around the face is done :p

I found it difficult to photograph, anyone else have difficulties shootin metallics?



Roger Bunting

New member
Not me, but then I don\'t have a camera so I haven\'t even tried. ;)

It\'s looking good anyway. Maybe the light is a bit too focused, if you know what I mean. It\'s casting a fairly stroing shadow and may be washing out some of the colour from the gold. There are loads of better people to ask about photography advice though.


Consummate Brushlicker
Metallics can be a pain to photograph without light diffusion. You get lots of white on the edges and rivets and stuff with direct light coming from lamps.

If you don\'t want to use a light tent or anything like that, you can try taping wax paper or something over your lamps while you shoot. Wax paper can survive trips in the oven and is kinda see-through so it should work with any lamp I imagine.

Would you mind posting the colors you\'ve been using on the skin, armor and gold so far? The more info we have, the more suggestions we can try to give.

By the way, if you try the purple glazing thing like Oden says, make sure it\'s really really watered down. The \"juices\" and glazes that most people form Europe talk about are the kind of wash where you repeat it 10-20 times. Most of us here in North America want our models to paint themselves on their own by yesterday afternoon, so our definition of watered down glaze is different.

Subtlety is not the American Way ;)


New member
The gold recipe is as follows:
-50/50 Scorched Brown Shining Gold (thinned)
-Thinned shining gold
-Shaded with Brown ink (thinned)
-Highlighted in stages with mithril silver/Shining gold mix
-Washed with tamiya clear orange heavily thinned

Face Recipe
-Base colour is tallaharn flesh
-Shaded with a mix of purple ink/chestnut ink (heavily thinned)
-Then highlighted with progressive mixes of tallaharn flesh/white heavily thinned.

hope that helps


Consummate Brushlicker
Cool mixes, they sound good to me :D Have you tried mixing anything else into the skin instead of white? Mixing white can sometimes make things chalky, and you seemed a bit concerned about that with the face. Something like Elf Flesh might be smoother.

Sounds like you\'re using a lot of solid mixes though, have you reda Jakob Neilsen\'s tutorials? Your use of purple ink and Tamiya Clear Orange seem to suggest his style.


New member
tallarn flesh is probably what is causing your graining. All GW foundation paint pigments are larger as well as denser, because of this i refuse to use GW fopundations on there lotr models as the pigments really pop out.

Try a flesh tone without the pigments and compare and contrast, you should find a marked difference.


Consummate Brushlicker
That\'s actually a good point, they aren\'t quite as smooth when mixed/watered down. I think P3\'s Khardic Flesh is pretty similar, and most P3\'s are pretty good at covering over black. Better than your average Citadel paint anyway. Might be a good alternative, perhaps.
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