New Vallejo primer


New member
Just saw this in a modelling mag on Friday, Vallejo have just launched a new acrylic-urethane primer (in grey) so I thought I'd mention it for anyone looking for an option for both airbrush or brush application.

No pics online that I can find so far but I'm sure it'll be available from the usual sources soon.



Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
Interesting, a urethane based primer. The best and the worst paint adhesion issues/tests I've seen have been on urethane paints. We had one sign that the paint literally just peeled off in large chunks after a couple of months in the weather - this was a water-based urethane on a special primer. It finally came down to primer issues.

Urethanes took over in lots of areas that used to require epoxy paints due to hardness or solvent issues. (model airplanes for example - boats will still tend to use one or the other).

I'll be interested in how easy it is to strip back off the mini if the painter does not like it.


New member
I'll wait before someone has used it before getting too excited. I've found a supplier of Mr Surfacer primer local to me, I'll give that a go before getting the vallejo paint-on equivalent.
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