New to painting mini\'s and need alittle help.


New member
Hi, I am new to painting mini\'s and need alittle help on painting goblin skin.

I have the full range of GW paints.

Could anyone help me with a good guide on painting green skin, seen loads of help on painting normal skin, just nothing for green skin.

Also any tips or advice or links to good painting guides would be great.

Thanks for the help in advance, with your help I hope to also have some nice minis posted.


New member
I don\'t use GW paints, so can\'t help you there. Jenova\'s website has some nice tutorials you may find helpful, including different skin types.


New member
I\'m going out on a limb and guessing you\'re painting orcs (maybe lizardmen)? For my orc army I basecoated with dark angel green, drybrushed with snot green to figure out where to highlight, and then highlighted with snot green, and finally a tiny highlight of goblin green on only the highest points of the mini. I think an equally effective method would be to basecoat snot green, do a dark green ink/wash and then reapply snot green and then final highlight with goblin green. When you highlight make sure you mix the colors in between the highlights. As an example heres a pretty basic recipe snot green base, then various snot + goblin mixes (adding more goblin each time), then finally straight goblin. Another alternative is to add an ivory or off white to the green base color to get a more natural tone. There are a couple other recipes and methods in the Orc and Goblin codex (however I wouldnt suggest buying the current one, since a new one is on the way soon). Good luck.

The Don

New member
well, the way i am paintin the skin on my GD entry ork is:

basecoat of camo green, inked with dark angels green.
then using camo green, blend the shading in smoothly
next slowly mix in bleached bone, tiny bit by bit and slowly layer it up to pure bleached bone on the highest ridges.
this technique gives you a very earthy light green tone.

make sure you thin your paints out quite a lot, and dont have to much paint on your brush


New member
Thanks for the replies so far.

Yes I am painting a Night Goblin, and then when the new mini\'s are released a full ork and goblin army.

I am hoping to paint them to a high standard and use this army to learn what I need to start painting display models.

I have any question or two.

I have seen a few goblin pic\'s on the internet and it seems the goblin skin is more a yellow highlight compared to the Orks, is there a difference in painting the different greens for the oks, goblins and snotlings ?

Also the eyes, after searching around the net seems to be two main colours orks/goblins have as eyes, the old stuff seemed to have yellow eyes and the newer pics have red, what would you say would go best and whats the best way to paint them in.

I will post a pic or 2 once i get started on my night goblin so you can give me advice on how to improve.

Thanks again.


New member
There are color differences between everything in the orc and goblin \"family\". Snotlings are the brightest, then goblins (I tend to paint my night goblins darker than my normal goblins), then orcs, and black orcs are the darkest. You could use a highlight of scorpion green on snotlings, a highlight of goblin and scorpion on goblins (or just goblin on night goblins), and then a highlight of goblin green on orcs, and finally for black orcs you could use highlight of snot to really show how much darker they are. I paint all my orcs and goblins with red eyes. They pop more (red and green being contrasting colours and all). Once you post your work I\'ll be more than happy to give you some mini specific help. Oh and be sure to read the articles section. I do believe there is one for painting night goblins that was rather good. Good luck, happy painting.


New member
Hi chrismisterx and welcome to the forums.

I can give you the quick and dirty on painting gobbo. Paint them sunburst yellow. Dilute green ink about 5-1 and then give em a wash (a drop of detergent will help as well)

Once ink is dry water down yellow and rehighlight if needed. Now on the end of the nose use a purple wash and then under the eyes a red wash. Done deal and they look great. You should do about 10 -20 at a time tho and it works best on a white under coat.

Good luck post pics.


New member
Ok after a failed atempt or two, I have came up with a skin tone thats ok I think, could you guys give it the once over and let me know if anything needs changed or if it needs extra work.

***** sorry about the large Pics took close ups and not sure how to resize the pics without losing detail ******






What you think, not sure if i am 100% happy with the arms, but i do like the face.

Ok more questions I am afraid, what would be the best way to paint the eyes in and how should I paint the robe, I tried a light grey highlight on another model but it just made the cloak look grey.

Now on the end of the nose use a purple wash and then under the eyes a red wash

That sounds like it would look really good, How would I paint something like that on the model above ?

Thanks again for the help.
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