New Ork Army

Here\'s my list for ma new ork army for 40k;
HQ: Warboss w/ 3 Mega nobz,
Big Mek w/ shokk attack gun
6 Kommandos
Ork boyz x 40
2 Trukks for 2 Close comabat mobs
Fast Attack:
3 Bikes
Watrakk X 2
Plz Rate and give the point total as I don not have the new Codex.:):)


I played my first game using orks yesterday and I learned several things after getting pretty much pwned by a Blood Angel army. First and most important is that you can\'t do things by halves. The main weaknesses of an ork army are low BS, which you can get round by having loads of shots, and rubbish armour, which you just have to live with unfortunately.

Small mobs just don\'t cut it, you need numbers to soak up casualties. The brutal simplicity of an ork infantry horde is possibly the most effective way to go. Mobs of 30 are brilliant as you need to kill 20 before they start taking leadership tests and at 6 points per ork you can afford to swamp your opponent. If you manage to get a good charge off from an intact mob it works out at 120 attacks at s4, add this to the fact that you can comfortably get 4 mobs in 1500 points with a fair bit left over for fancy stuff and it gets into the realms of stupid numbers of dice.

If you are going to use the things on that list you\'ll certainly need to bulk up your squads. Make sure each trukk s filled to capacity and get some transport for your burnas in the form of a looted wagon. A better thing to do would be to do them up as lootas instead and sit them at the back with the shokk attack gun. Screen the trukks as far as you can with the trakks and pray that your opponents anti vehicle fire sucks. If your trukks do get turned back into the junk they came from it shouldn\'t be too bad as the ramshackle rule means that most of the boyz probably won\'t die but they might end up being a bit late for the main scrap.


A looted wagon basically starts off with rhino stats and then you can add weapon options like a skorcha to make it into a hellhound (or possibly an immolator) or a boomgun to turn it into a basilisk or vindicator or whatever. It\'s really up to you what you use as a chassi, just loot a suitable kit and stick the appropriate weapon to it.

The only thing to bear in mind is that it will lose it\'s transport capacity if it has a boomgun.
Thanx for the info, the only reason i thought that it used the same rulez was because , i once saw an ork army wit a Basislisk, and the Bas used the same stats as the IG version


Lootas and looted wagons used to be options from other army lists. The new versions have all their rules in one place and do away with the need to have other codices in order to field them. So yes your opponent did have an actual basilisk using baslisk stats with the looted \"don\'t press dat\" rule. Now he has a looted wagon with a boomgun, about the same points cost but not quite as effective which is as it should be really.
w0w thanx for that, whats he S of the Boomgun as i don\'t yet have the dodex:Orks yet, and i will have my old SM army up on Ebay i the next few days so look out!, 3000 points including 5 Termies, a Temie Capt, Chapie, Libarian(painted pretty good) and much more...i\'ll post when i do it. :beer::D:D:)
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