Need Help Matching Colours for my Blood Bowl Team

Olaf the Stout

New member
I'm currently painting up a Skaven Blood Bowl team called "The Cheeseheads". I plan on giving them a uniform based on the Green Bay Packers NFL team. So the challenge now is to try and recreate the colours of the uniform.

A link to what the uniform looks can be found here.

I'm still pretty new to painting so I haven't got the experience when it comes to matching up colours just yet. So I was hoping some of the more experienced painted here might be able to help me out. I'm using GW paints, so any suggestions using that paint line (foundations and washes included) would be preferable.

At the moment I am thinking the Green would be mainly Dark Angels Green, possibly shaded with a Badab Black, Thrakka Green and Devlan Mud Wash. Highlights would be worked up through Snot Green with a bit of Scorpion Green as the final highlight.

For the Yellow I'm thinking Vomit Brown, shaded with Ogryn Flesh and Devlan Mud wash and then highlighted with Golden Yellow and then Suburst Yellow.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Olaf the Stout


New member
I looked at the pics before reading your paint choices. I agree. Dark Angels Green and Golden Yellow are for sure the core colours in that. I'm not sure if Scorpion Green as a final highlight would work as well to mirror the example pics, as simply adding white into the greens would do.

You had a thought on the actual parts of the BB team? Just that, some of them have shoulder pads, cloaks, gloves, and wear a tunic/straps instead of shirt and trousers. Reckon you're best off working out what colour goes where before jumping in, to ensure there ain't too much green or yellow on any given mini. Mostly looks like green tunic/chest straps and yellow for other bits though eh.

Olaf the Stout

New member
The plan is to match the uniform as closely as possible. So any straps on the top half of the body will be painted green. Numbers will be white. The pants will be yellow, with the green and white stripe down the side where possible. Those with helmets will have yellow helmets with a green and white stripe down the middle. I've had a look at the various minis and they should both end up with a bit of a balance of green and yellow.

Olaf the Stout
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