need constructive criticism


Shogun of Saskatchewan
I'll start with what I like-

-The blade looks well done.
-I like the base quite a bit too!
-You sure as hell picked a cool fig to work on!

For the crits!

-I think the blue is really overpowering. I think the pic is not doing any favours but the semi gloss finish looks out of place on this mini for sure. I think more specific highlighting in area like the sharp folds esp and soem general highlight to area of the cloak would be a great benefit across the model.

-Same sort of thing for the leather armor around the belt.

In general terms a nice mini. I think the score it's at now 6.4ish is about right. I hope that doesn't sound harsh but it's actually not too bad a score, and you've got all the right things going on there to really start doing some nice stuff. The shading and highlighting on that blade -what I would consider the most challenging part of painting that mini- is done really well I think. Look forward to seeing your next submission!


New member
First I must say, I really like this figure.

Your NMM paiting is to a good standard and the gold in particulary works very well.
The subtle OSL from the eyes is just right in my view.
Concerning the base; it adds to the overall atmosphere of the peice.

There are a few areas that look a little flat and could benifit from highlighting further ( blue cloth).
An extreme highlight on the leather parts may help with the contrast issues, helping to bring a sharper finish to the piece. Although this may detract from the dirty and grimey look you have achieved.

so, overall a good job on the NMM but the blues and the leather parts could benifit from pushing the highlights further.

dracon magis

New member
the first time i submitted this it got a 4.2 and i was nerd raging and now im lost. the blue cloak is supposed to be a smooth silk like cloth and the leather effect is impossible to highlight with its mottled effect. thank you for the comps on the NMM its one thing I've been working on i was thinking this was at least a 7 with the base and all i tried. most of the effects are really hard and i got a very disappointing reaction i almost did a rage quit in all honesty. i cant ever seem to break the 6 point mark so maybe i should just accept it and move on


New member
Don't worry too much about your scoring. No matter how well you paint or how cool a mini is there are some out there who will give a low score. Try not to get too hung up on that and just paint to enjoy yourself and push your talent.

This is a good start and the base and NMM look really nice and they stand out. It looks like you really focused a lot on the NMM and I'd like to see the rest of the mini up to par with the NMM. The rest of the paint job is a really great start, don't get me wrong. I'm not hatin' in the least bit here. I think the blue on the fig and the blue background is just too much blue. If you try to get a different color background that makes the fig as a whole pop it may make a difference on how the rest of the mini is showing up.

As far as highlighting an area that has texture like the leather, just focus on highlighting as you paint and throw in some glazes to help bring the texture out as you go.

The semigloss finish on the blue cloak is throwing me off as well, I agree with Scott. If you want to achieve a silk finish it will come out better achieving that with matte paint and painting the effect on instead of using a gloss finish. Semi gloss and gloss give a wet look to the mini. If you don't know how silk is supposed to look head down to your local fabric store and ask for a swatch, usually they are free. That way you have a real world reference to use while you paint.

Hope that helps!

dracon magis

New member
so im getting that the blue needs to be better/ different

what should i do to make it that way add a design? make it a more contrast highlight? or just not blue?


New member
I can tell looking from your mini you're eventually going to be a top notch painter if you keep going. It's also clear you do the "hardest bits"/"bits of interest" on a model to far higher a standard than other parts. Try to take a break between areas so that you do each of them ready and refreshed otherwise you may end up rushing sections of a model. Sadly, people tend to look for mistakes on a model first instead of looking for the beautiful/artistic bits.

What I like about your model is that you are pushing yourself. I can see the levels/hours of work which have been poured in to this and they don't go unnoticed by everyone. You're clearly trying techniques and effects which are new to you and that means you'll get better. I really like the base, good effect and well executed. The NMM is in general good (couple of minor touch-ups and smooth-outs on the shield as mentioned before). The weathered leather cape is also a nice effect and suits the model.

The blue parts of the dress and cape are the only thing that hasn't worked. I actually like the colour but I think that paying more attention to where the highlights/shades should be, making them as smooth as you possibly can and leaving it matte would have probably pushed this mini into 7's. Silk is a difficult material to emulate as it has a slight pearlescent shimmer. I have no idea of how to get that down but I bet there is some painter on CMON that has. Have a look at other peoples blue cloaks etc.

As for worrying about the score... don't bother too much. Just use it as a rough benchmark for your next mini. Going from 4.8 to 6.5 is quite a good leap in the right direction!


New member
conceptually its very nice (good COC and composition), in terms of execution its a bit sloppy, and lacks definition. the blue needs some serious hilighting to get a silky effect - take a look at alexiZ's work - she does some of the best fabric sheen effects i have ever seen. as for the cloak, basic hilighting is more important than textural elements; without it, objects lose shape to the eye. that being said it is very possible to do both.

how fast did you paint this mini? my bet is a few days at most. if so, slow down, way down. pick a piece on the model and work it 'till its done, then work it some more. use thin smooth layers and blend, blend, blend. take your time. every detail matters, so treat each bit like a work of art. de vinci started the mona lisa in 1503 and finished it in 1519. think about it.
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