Need assistance in air brush system


New member
Alright not sure if this the right forum but here goes nothing.....

I am interested in getting an airbrush, but as you can probably tell I'm an absolute noob on this. Can anyone recommend an air brush / compressor that can be used from fine detail to large scale use (54 mm, busts, etc).

I'm looking for the ones with the feeder on the top, since I heard that this is the better ones to use and my budget will probably range anywhere from $250 to $450 (can probably stretch it to $500). I live in Mississauga, ON just west of Toronto in Canada if this helps in finding the right model (since shipping can be expansive on these things).

In addition, is there a book/video tutorial on using them, plus will GW paints work well or are there specific paints for air brush?

Thanks for your help


Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
Welcome to CMON and the forums.

Do a quick search on 'airbrush' and you'll find several threads that discuss this sort of thing.

from fine detail to large scale use (54 mm, busts, etc).

How fine a detail you want to go??? Generally the airbrush is used to prime and basecoat and possibly do the flesh tones on most minis. Eyes, swords, belts, etc are still better done with traditional brush techniques in all but the largest miniatures (12", etc.), for the simple reason that the masking and work involved is not worth the effort.

I recommend Iwata purely because they are a very high quality gun with good parts availability.
Enion will recommend Aztec, for similar reasons.

Both of us recommend you invest in a compressor with a regulator and moisture trap.

Read up on the old posts and feel free to ask further questions here.


New member
I bought an Aztek airbursh and I love it. It was only $45 and the kit includes 3 tips, 2 paint pots, compressor adapter, and a few other things. I also bough an airbrush compressor at harbor Freight that's working great for me. It's TREMENDOUSLY cheaper than any compressor you can get at a hobby store and has worked great for me over the past few months.


New member
Read the threads that were discussed before, it went into all of the companies that produce airbrushes and the pros and cons.
Places to check for prices and availability in Toronto would be
North Star Hobbies...427 & Dundas
Hornet Hobbies.....Eglinton/Victoria Park on O'Connor
Curries...couple of locations
DeSerres ......I know of one in Vaughan Mills

A kid from a couple of unit down at work got a nice Iwata setup at DeSerres for $210
Check out the thread and go to the stores, ask them what they would advise & recommend .
Just remember that the guys at the Hobby stores will be recommending an airbrush based on hobby projects ( Models and figures ) and Art Supply store will be more to art and painting. So it good to get both sides of the story and see what each is capable of doing.
As for compressors, there are threads on that too and many options from cheap and loud to expensive and quiet.


New member
Thanks guys for your reply....and I'll have a look in previous post

And thanks Dxm I definitely have a look around that area.

Thanks again
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