Naming Paint Colours...


New member
Hi all, was hoping to pick some brains (or eyes) here on coolmini (and some other places, albeit with no luck).

I've got a load of SM models kicking around and as a change to painting Tau, I'm considering painting up some of these to break up the monotony. I want to have my own chapter so I can be a nerd and make some nice background and history for them. However, for the colour scheme, I was wanting to go for a cross between the Sons of Orar (sorry for the horrible pic, was the only one I could find quickly that had the part I was interested in, BUT it is in the 5th ed SM codex too):

View attachment 21128

And these chaps (from the GW site):

View attachment 21129

My question is two-fold (as I've never in my 15 years of painting been able to name a paint colour from just looking at it).

Firstly, What colour is used on the SoO aquilla / honours that gives them that dull metal look, and secondly, what do you think is the specific red / combination of reds used on the second lot of chaps? (I'm wanting a deep, rich red. Not something light or so dark that it is dull essentially)

I use mainly citadel stuff, but wouldn't be completely adverse to other paint types, oh, and I'm in the UK.

Cheers lovies xx


New member
The SoO Aquila: hard to tell from the image because it so small, but looks like it was done in NMM Gold. Which means the painter probably started with an older GW Brown (snakebite leather?) and worked his way up through the yellows to bleached bone to white. If he did not use GW paints, then whatever his individual recipe was for NMM Gold. If not NMM, then they probably used the shining gold/scorched earth base coat, with shining gold layer, then a sepia wash with mithril silver highlight recipe GW was fond of using.

For the second lot of chaps, (again using old GW paint as a reference) I think they ran the gamut of red gore through blood red, to maybe blazing orange for final highlight, and then maybe a baal red wash/glaze to tone done the harshness of the highlight.
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New member
The SoO Aquila: hard to tell from the image because it so small, but looks like it was done in NMM Gold. Which means the painter probably started with an older GW Brown (snakebite leather?) and worked his way up through the yellows to bleached bone to white. If he did not use GW paints, then whatever his individual recipe was for NMM Gold. If not NMM, then they probably used the shining gold/scorched earth base coat, with shining gold layer, then a sepia wash with mithril silver highlight recipe GW was fond of using.

For the second lot of chaps, (again using old GW paint as a reference) I think they ran the gamut of red gore through blood red, to maybe blazing orange for final highlight, and then maybe a baal red wash/glaze to tone done the harshness of the highlight.

Yeah, the pic is not great, you can't really tell from it but the Aquilla is not Gold. Its like a dull metal colour (not painted with metallics I don't think). Sort of like an iron-ish type colour I think, Its the same as the skull and lower script on his legs.

As for the other guys, thanks for the advice help :D


New member
It looks like that model of the SoO was painted by Ashen-Shugar on DakkaDakka. You might try sending them a pm and ask what they used for the colors.
Here's a link to the image on DakkaDakka: of Orar Sternguard Veteran 2.html

From the picture on DakkaDakka it looks like metallics were used., shining gold with a wash of sepia and mithril silver highlight on it.

Same model, but not the actual same model if you get me. The one I linked is the one from the 5th ed SM codex, which trust me, isn't gold. But thanks anyway :D


New member
You could also try mixing your gold metallic paint with a mid to dark brown. This will dull it down. Then you can use pure metallic for highlights.


New member
Same model, but not the actual same model if you get me. The one I linked is the one from the 5th ed SM codex, which trust me, isn't gold. But thanks anyway :D

I think I have that codex at the house. I'll take a look when I get home and give you my best guess.

Edit: pg 114, lower right hand corner of page? That's a metallic, probably shining gold, washed with a sepia wash, highlighted with mithril silver.
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