My semi-annual post... Working towards an 8 (cmon # 103977)


New member
The last time I posted here was over half a year ago, and it was a request for feedback on helping me to elevate my painting to the \"7\" level. I\'d been nibbling at (6.5-6.7) but hadn\'t been able to get it. I\'m at the stage now where I\'m in the 7s (for the recent figs) and want to try to get into the 8s - This I know will be much more difficult.

CMON 103977 is my most recent addition and I was wondering if anyone could help me out by pointing out what I should have done better.

Based upon reflection and other boards I\'ve gotten:

1. Poor color selection on the vest (too similar to skin) should have gone black to grey.

2. Axe haft is too dark (similar to above) should have gone to lighter wood.

I stink at NMM (I just cant seem to learn it off the internet, and no one in the city I live seems to be able to do it well) so for the time being I\'ll be using metallics.

I have a second one of these I am going to paint up (this one was commish) and I\'ll be incorporating the feedback into that mini.

Cheers and thanks in advance!



New member
I hve comented on and voted on this piece. Don\'t worry about NMM. This is good with metallics. Everything doesn\';t have to be NMM.


New member
I think the color of the vest is OK but it needs more highlight and shading. Metals are OK and Ive seen some 10\'s with metallics. I think you should highlight it more tho cause I cant tell if you were going for a stone look or a metallic look. The rest of the mini is an 8 in my book.
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