My Girlfriend's First Banshee!


New member
Well, my girlfrind is a bit of an arty type and after trying some marines a few years go (before we met) I gave her some Eldar she liked...This was the 1st Banshee she finished.



Slowest painter ever
The shot is a bit blurry, but from what I can see, it looks great!

The hair is the one thing that stands out to me that could use some work, mainly as it gets closer to the helmet. I also lacks that *pop*... maybe mix a tiny bit of golden yellow into your lightest color for a final highlight.


New member
I kind of enjoy the competition to be honest, she makes me try a little harder when she is sitting next to me telling me looking smug :p When I get the chance anyway, her living in Spain means we don't get the chance as often as we like.
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