multiple will test abilities = multiple tests?

if you have multiple will based abilities do you have to make a will test for each or just one test for all?
for example, hadross carcharin. he has scent of pray and whispers of the voice.
both require a will test to use. if I pass the will test for scent of prey at the beginning of his activation will it also count as a success for whispers of the voice?

Lord Nat

New member
why would they? The test is to see if you can use that ability... just becuase you pass one doesnt mean you should automatically get the other... if it did then there would be no point in them both being a will test


New member
I would say the opposite.

The phrasing says " if it passes a will check" but does not ask for a will check to be made.


New member
Alkymedes is correct. One makes you make a will check at the start of your activation, the other is an extra benefit if you succeed at it.
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