I can\'t tell because of the angle, but I like the face for some reason. The skin tones is pretty good. The model is overall great for tabletop gaming.
If you want a showcase piece, you have to take the time to remove the mold lines before priming and painting. (like the back of the sword). I think the color choices for the leather pouch is a good basecoat to start lightening up from. The red on the bolt pistol can start off a little darker. Also try giving the boltgun metal a watered down black ink wash. And a watered down brown ink wash over the chest.
It may be the picture and lighting, but to me it seems you painted the cloth two different colors. Shadow grey and codex grey. do the same thing, except like the ogrebane said, do the codex over the shadow in 3-4 layers. that way after every layer you can see the progress and decide how much more lighter paint you want on the model. Hope that helps.