leather eh. well it just so happens that i have recently developed at least 12 different leather techniques for some orcs im working on - aided by a great deal of research (dont worry, you\'ll see them soon enough). its important to remember that leathers come in many shades and textures etc etc. if you want worn leather i suggest using sharp hilights combined with shadows - so...try snakebite, wash with the ink of your choice (brown ink or flesh wash for a reder look) then hilight with snakebite, bleached bone, and finally white. blending is not so important here. basically what im suggesting is *wethering it in a similar manner to scratches on metal*. to get more in depth, pait cross hatching/texturing before the ink wash.
remember, as i said....leather has many forms, i in fact, prefer leathers that are not done with inks (more like a simple tanned hide). try variations - for redish leather try dark flesh, black wash, hilighted with terracota, hilighted with terracota-white mix. for a grey hide (like um...i donno....brontox :twisted: ) try shadow grey, black wash, hilight codex grey, hilight white). leather is fun stuff, play around!