MK3 Iron Armor Conversion(new pics)


New member
Using Doghouse\'s tutorial I made a MK3 Iron Armor out of a chaos warrior legs and the sm skulll torso shaved down.



New member
I saw this last night and made a few attempts at giving you feedback, but gave up... But I see no-one else has and that might be worse... :(

I can see your idea and what you were trying to achieve, but unfortunately the execution lets it down.

It\'s not the much the shape or scale of what you\'ve done - more the working of the green stuff...

What tools did you use...? Did you read any of the tutorials on it beforehand?

The main issue I feel is smoothness... However, you may be able to resolve a great deal of this problem if you have decent files or fine sanding paper...

Don\'t be dis-heartened by these comments, as I have tried very hard to be diplomatic and to try and help rather than simply slating your work :)

(like a certain person I could mention on here who only seems to leave those kind of comments :flame: lol)

The community here are all trying to be the best artistd and/or sculptors we can, so I felt I had to leave you some comments.

I hope this helps and you try some more sculpting soon :D


New member
Like Dan I also saw this but didnt leave a comment. I struggled to find anything to say that was really constructive. So here is my feedback and I really hope I dont sound to harsh. The idea is good, the execution is rough. Filing and sanding could probably help a lot but there needs to be a base level to work from. The feet dont look too bad, but the shins/greaves look very uneven. Try using a sculpting tool (or flat side of a knife) to smooth out the GS before leaving it to cure. Also take your time and do little bits at a time waiting for them to cure before moving on. It may be tedious but it will ensure better results. Oh, and make sure what ever you\'re sculpting with is well lubricated at all times. Hopefully I\'ve helped in some way. Keep trying. GS isnt the easiest stuff to work with and takes some practice to comfortable with keep it up and posting images.


New member
Yeah, it\'s all about working out the order to do this stuff and doing it in stages. If I was going to do it I\'d probably start with plasticard cut to shape for the soles of the boots to make a solid base. Next work the shape of the foot onto it by smoothing some GS above it. You can use a wet sculpting tool or even damp fingers for this, especially if you wear plastic gloves. Filing or trimming once it is dry shouldn\'t really be necessary. Let it cure, then drape a flattened sheet of GS over the top, smooth it down, and once it is on its way to setting trim the line so it is sharp to make the full foot shape. Again wait for it to dry, then carefully build up the shape of the legs, adding or subtracting GS and smoothing once it is close to drying out so it doesn\'t loose its shape as you do it. Keep doing all the different elements in logical steps.

Oh, and a scalpel blade just carefully worked in lines across more thin GS should make perfectly good piping effect for the backs of the legs. Build up the armour bordering it once you have done this if you are having trouble getting this done without ruining the work on the legs around it.


New member
This is him 3/4 painted and my second attempt for a mkIII that is more like the metal model.I relised once done the boots are wrong for mkIII,and I chikened out and painted the piping.





New member
kk i am looking for this body for my world eater army, where is it from? Being rubbish with GS myself i cannot comment on the sculpting othe than: keep practicing:)


I have to say it does look better painted. Got a link to the tutorial? cos I\'m pretty new on the boards and I couldn\'t find it
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