Miniature Paints: Yellows - any of them have decent coverage?


New member
If you mix it with white and do a layer with that first, it should cover well. The thinner your paint and the darker the underlying colour, the more layers it will take (obviously), BUT, adding white makes things opaque and cover much better. Works for reds too, the other PITA colour.


New member
There are now paints that cover in one go. GW started with the foundation range, although they were all rather muted and grungy looking. They've since remade their ranges, and Foundation became "Base", with much more vibrancy amongst them. Also, Reaper I think it is, or could be Vallejo, have a range called HD, high density or something, work on the same principle I expect.

Used to get around that before those paints came along. Giving the area of basecoat of something stronger but not too dominating so an ensuing coat of yellow would cover well was something many did.
Personally, I used Fiery Orange, but instead of them switching to the yellow paint I'd apply highlights of Fiery/White to White, then top that off with some yellow ink. It'd tint all the white into a vibrant yellow, with the orange/white areas now covered in that yellow providing some shading.
It avoided the problem with those weak paints (yellow/red) of too many coats of paint often ending up a bit greasy looking or having "bits" in from paint drying while it was being used.


New member
The new GW yellows have a very good coverage now. Averland Yellow is brighter and less grungy than the old foundation one and works as a very good base for others. It's still worth painting a white or grey undercoat though.
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